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 September 3, 2023

AOC slams Biden administration on southern border crisis

As President Joe Biden and his campaign team struggle to connect with American voters on virtually every hot issue, now they're also dealing with internal criticism from unlikely corners of the party. 

According to Fox News, leftist politicians and activist groups alike are making their grievances on the border issue heard, with one high-profile Democrat admitting that the border is the Biden administration's weakest issue.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made her criticisms clear on the Biden administration's approach to the chaos at the southern U.S. border.

In an interview with The New York Times, Ocasio-Cortez said, "immigration is arguably this administration’s weakest issue. This is one area where our policy is dictated by politics, arguably more so than almost any other."

She added: "There are very clear recommendations and suggestions that we have made to the administration to provide relief on this issue, and it’s my belief that some of the hesitation around this has to do with a fear around just being seen as approving or providing permission structures or really just the Republican narratives that have surrounded immigration."

Her words are notable, as they come in the wake of top White House officials repeatedly passing the blame for the situation at the border onto Congress and their lack of action on the issue.

Her criticism of the administration on the border issue is extremely different than criticisms from Republicans, which was evident in her interview.

She believes the Biden administration hasn't done enough to protect migrants from deportation.

"The Biden administration’s refusal to open up work authorizations or extend temporary protective status really prevents us from doing what we do best, which is allowing and creating an environment where immigrants from all over the world can create a livelihood here," AOC said.

The White House, specifically press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, responded to the intra-party criticism, reported Fox News.

"The president has done more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. He really has!" KJP said in a question directly addressing AOC's interview.

KJP added, "Look, the president has done what he can from — from here, from the federal government, from the White House — to put forth and manage our border in a safe and humane way to respect the dignity of every human, as he says all the time, and making sure that our communities are safe. And you have seen him do that."

Obviously, KJP is paid to tell outright lies, because Biden's border failure will undoubtedly be at the top of the list of issues for voters next year, and it's one of the reasons why his polling numbers are at historic lows.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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