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 December 31, 2023

AOC brags about calling for Justice Clarence Thomas to resign in '23 wins in 2023' video

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) hasn't been in the headlines as much as of late, and that's probably why she published a list of so-called "accomplishments" to bring an end to 2023. 

One of her proudest moments, according to her 23 "wins" in 2023 video series, was that she called on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign, reported the Washington Examiner.

AOC and many members of the Democratic Party worked overtime in an attempt to push Thomas out of the high court.

"We’re back-back-back again. From announcing the American Climate Corps and supporting historic labor strikes, to responding to 1000s of neighborhood requests and getting school supplies to kids, it’s been a packed year," AOC boasted in the video, uploaded to X.

AOC proudly bragged about her attempts to pressure Justice Thomas.

"We called on the Department of Justice to investigate Clarence Thomas for corruption and were joined by senior [Democratic] members of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees," AOC said in the five-minute video clip.

It was noted that AOC has also called for the impeachment of Justice Thomas.

The Examiner noted:

AOC's "wins" also surrounded other key moments of the year, which included the number of constituents that she helped, the expansion of the Green New Deal, her calls for a ceasefire in Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war, and the passage of her bill that ends a ban on the study of psychedelics.

Social media users reacted to her post, and most of their comments were presumably not what AOC was hoping for.

"AOC still hasn’t done anything meaningful while in Congress. Meanwhile she’s gotten rich while NYC has gotten suffocated by an onslaught of illegal immigrants and crime. What’s Sandy Cortez doing about the NYPD budget being slashed for 2024? Nothing. She could care less," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "AOC is one of the dumbest and detrimental people in congress. People like her are the reason why our country is going to sh*t in a record time. Her own district can’t stand her. If we don’t fix our elections we will have more people like her leading us to the edge of the cliff."

Many social media users echoed the same sentiment in that AOC doesn't seem to have accomplished much of anything for her constituents -- or the country -- in 2023.

"You didnt have a single win in 2023," one X user wrote.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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