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 May 19, 2024

Alvin Bragg Increasingly Absent From Trump Trial As Cohen Testimony Degrades Case

In the high-profile New York trial of former President Donald Trump, one notable observer, albeit with sporadic presence, is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Trump, who faces 34 felony charges related to alleged hush money payments involving Stormy Daniels, often arrives flanked by supporters and officials taking the front seats. CBS News reported that Bragg, the prosecutor leading the charge, has been suspiciously absent from the trial, particularly during key testimonies from his staff.

In a trial generating national interest, Manhattan's lead prosecutor Alvin Bragg has been an occasional yet pivotal presence.

Observers have noted Bragg's attendance pattern, where he appears primarily when his team presents crucial evidence. This strategic presence is seen to bolster his staff's morale and underscore the gravity of their testimonies.

Domenic Trunfio, a former office manager of the Onandaga County District Attorney’s office, emphasized that Bragg’s attendance sends a supportive message to his team.

"Bragg is doing it the right way," Trunfio remarked, highlighting how Bragg's presence is not merely about being seen but being there for his team. "It shows support. It says, 'Hey, I'm here. I know you’re testifying in a case against the former president of the United States. And I'm here for you,'" he added, capturing the significance of such gestures in high-stakes environments.

Trump’s Legal Entourage and Courtroom Dynamics

The courtroom setup reflects the divide between defense and prosecution. Trump's side, a show of solidarity, includes rows filled with elected officials and allies. In contrast, the prosecution's side features an empty seat reserved for Bragg, signaling his role even in absence.

Trump's attorneys have had multiple exchanges with the prosecuting team, testing the depth and resistance of their arguments and preparedness. These moments of legal spar have underscored the case's significance, with Trunfio calling it "the biggest criminal case that anybody has seen in a century."

"Honestly, I kind of enjoyed it," said paralegal Jaden Jarmel-Schneider, reflecting on the vigorous defense put up by Trump’s legal team. The response from Trump's attorney Emil Bove, "I hear that. Respect," further signifies the intense yet professional atmosphere that the trial has fostered.

Apart from his intermittent presence at the trial, D.A. Alvin Bragg has been active on multiple fronts. His commitments span significant issues such as hate crimes, gun control, and major cases involving murder and sex trafficking. These responsibilities delineate the breadth of his obligations beyond the courtroom.

Following a controversial court decision to overturn Harvey Weinstein's rape conviction, Bragg has pushed for legislative changes to bolster the prosecutorial stance on such cases. This advocacy underscores his dedication to broader reforms and justice, parallel to his role in one of the most watched trials.

The trial has proceeded for over 18 days, with Bragg attending approximately one-third of the sessions. His selective presence highlights strategic choices, balancing courtroom support with extensive district obligations.

Diana Florence, a former colleague, noted this as an uncommon approach for a Manhattan D.A., spotlighting Bragg's unique handling of the role amidst such high-profile circumstances.

Conclusion: Revisiting Key Aspects of the Trial and D.A. Bragg's Involvement

In conclusion, the trial of Donald Trump in Manhattan, while featuring the former president prominently, also casts a spotlight on D.A. Alvin Bragg. Despite his limited yet strategic appearances, Bragg has supported his team during critical phases of the trial, conveying a strong message of solidarity and commitment.

His broader activities during this period, including legislative efforts and handling serious criminal cases, highlight his multifaceted role as Manhattan's District Attorney. Meanwhile, the courtroom dynamics continue to unveil layers of legal prowess and strategic defenses, painting a riveting picture of American jurisprudence in action.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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