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 July 11, 2023

Alex Soros, the new sugar daddy of the left, has already had 20 meetings at Joe Biden's White House

The new White House visitor logs show that Alex Soros, the son and likely heir of wealthy left-wing philanthropist George Soros, met with 20 Biden administration officials at the White House.

The guest logs show that the younger Soros has been to the Biden White House 15 times, met with officials 20 times, and even went to a state dinner for French President Emmanuel Macron where President Joe Biden was present, as Breitbart News reported.

Alex Soros met with all of these leaders at the Biden White House over the next few days. Even though we don't know what was gone over in these talks, the fact that so many national security officials are there at a time when the Biden administration is paying a lot of attention to the war in Ukraine may be a hint.

Mark Leonard, who runs the European Council on Foreign Relations, which is funded by George Soros's Open Society Foundations (OSF), told the Washington Post that the war in Ukraine is one of the main things on the younger Soros's mind. Alex Soros "talks every day with the Soros Foundation in Ukraine about how different governments are treating Ukraine," Leonard said.

The Post also says that the OSF "describes itself as the largest independent funder of Ukrainian civil society and citizen groups for more than three decades."

But Alex Soros's talks with Mariana Adame, the advisor to Biden administration Counselor Steve Ricchetti, could involve the younger Soros's interest in the 2024 presidential race. Ricchetti has been a loyal supporter of Biden for a long time and used to work as a lawyer on K Street. He was the head of Biden's 2020 campaign and played a big role in getting big campaign donations from Wall Street financiers.

The Wall Street Journal said last month that Alex Soros is likely to take over his father's $25 billion global left-wing non-profit business.

Soros, who is 37 years old, has been in charge of the OSF since December, when the board of the foundation chose him to replace his father as head. He has been head of his father's super PAC, Democracy PAC, for the past two years. Democracy PAC has about $125 million that it gives to U.S. leaders and political causes. The Washington Post said that during the midterm elections in 2022, Democracy PAC gave so much money to Democrats that George Soros was the biggest single contributor.

In recent U.S. elections, the most important result of the older Soros's campaign funding was the election of progressive prosecutors across the country. These prosecutors are committed to "criminal justice reforms" that don't involve prosecuting and jailing criminals. "The rise of these Soros-backed prosecutors has happened at the same time as a huge rise in murders and crime in many Democrat-run cities," Breitbart's Joel Pollak wrote. "In many of these cities, these prosecutors have put in place radical policies about how to police and lock up criminals."

Alex Soros told the Journal that he and his father "think alike," but that he is "more political" than his father. The Soros child was especially interested in "voting rights, abortion rights, and gender equality" in U.S. politics. And he has said that preventing Donald Trump from winning the 2024 election is still a top priority and that he is ready to use all of his money to stop it. He told the Journal, "As much as I would like to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too."

If you look at Alex Soros's social media sites, you can learn a lot about the top people in the Democratic Party. He often posts pictures on Instagram and Twitter that show how close he is with top Democrats and how many times he has met with them.

A partial list, which is by no means complete, includes his meetings with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), whose Senate Majority PAC received $2 million from the younger Soros in 2018 and $14 million from the Soros super PAC in 2022; former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), whose House Majority PAC received $5 million from the Soros super PAC in 2022; House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY); former President Barack Obama; former Secretary.

The Journal says that most of the $25 billion left-wing empire that Soros will inherit will go to OSF. OSF currently controls about $1.5 billion, which it gives to various left-wing groups around the world to promote abortion, mass migration, amnesty for illegal aliens, legalization of prostitution, climate change activism, and what OSF calls "democracy, transparency, and freedom of speech."

It has always been hard to figure out how the Soros philanthropic and business company got its money. In 2021, a ProPublica story showed that George Soros was able to give billions of dollars to the Open Society Foundation (OSF) and millions of dollars to left-wing political campaigns during years when he didn't pay any federal income tax.

In a statement to ProPublica, a Soros representative said that the billionaire had "lost money on his investments" between 2016 and 2018. This is why, despite his long-held opinion that "wealthy Americans" should pay "higher taxes," he did not pay any federal income taxes during those years.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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