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 February 8, 2024

91-year-old cancer patient brutally attacked by robber; details revealed

Hyman Silverglad, a 91-year-old resident of New York City, found himself in a distressing situation on February 1st when a stranger assaulted him in an attempted robbery.

Walking along East 86th Street near First Avenue around 10:30 a.m., Silverglad was suddenly attacked by an unknown assailant who violently shoved him to the ground and proceeded to strike him while attempting to steal his wallet, as detailed by police reports.

The story

Despite his advanced age, Silverglad's response to the assault was remarkably defiant. He conveyed during a hospital bed interview on Wednesday that had he been younger, he would have readily retaliated against his attacker.

His frustration at being unable to defend himself effectively was palpable as he recounted the incident, expressing shock at the lack of assistance from passersby who failed to intervene during the attack.

Silverglad's ordeal left him in considerable pain and distress. He likened his cries for help to those of a wounded soldier on a battlefield, lamenting the agonizing experience of lying on the ground unable to rise, with no one offering assistance.

In his eyes, the indifference of bystanders reflected a troubling trend in New York City, which he characterized as descending into a state of lawlessness and incivility.

The response

Despite the bleakness of the situation, Silverglad found solace in the kindness of strangers. Three women, whom he gratefully referred to as "God's angels without wings," came to his aid and helped him return home.

Their compassionate actions stood in stark contrast to the indifference displayed by others and provided a glimmer of hope in an otherwise distressing situation.

The trauma of the mugging has prompted Silverglad to contemplate leaving New York City for good. He expressed a profound sense of disillusionment with the city, citing concerns over safety and the perceived erosion of societal values.

The larger problem

For Silverglad, the assault was not merely an isolated incident but rather emblematic of broader anxieties about urban safety and the decline of civility in modern society.

In the wake of the attack, efforts to apprehend the assailant have intensified.

Images released by the NYPD depict the suspect, who remains at large, prompting heightened vigilance and a renewed commitment to ensuring the safety of all residents.

Silverglad's courageous defiance in the face of adversity serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, even in the most challenging of circumstances.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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