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By Mae Slater on
 May 20, 2024

Trump Urges NRA Supporters to Vote Against Democrats, Criticizes Biden and RFK Jr. at NRA Annual Meeting

Former President Donald Trump energized supporters at the National Rifle Association's Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas, calling for a "drug test" for President Biden, criticizing Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and urging gun owners to vote.

Fox News reported that Trump used the meeting not just to attack Biden, but he also received the NRA's endorsement and announced a new "Gun Owners for Trump" coalition.

On Saturday, former President Donald Trump took the stage at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, for the National Rifle Association's Annual Meeting. Trump used this platform to call for a "drug test" for President Joe Biden and to criticize Robert F. Kennedy Jr., labeling him a "radical."

The event was a significant moment for Trump, who also received the NRA's endorsement. The crowd responded enthusiastically, roaring in approval as Trump accepted the endorsement and expressed his gratitude to the "great patriots" of the NRA.

Trump took the opportunity to address the attendees, urging gun owners to vote in the upcoming elections. He emphasized the importance of their votes, noting that if gun owners turned out in large numbers, they could overwhelm the opposition.

Trump Criticizes Biden and RFK Jr.

During his speech, Trump didn't hold back on his criticism of President Biden. He suggested that Biden was "high as a kite" during his State of the Union address in March and proposed that candidates should undergo drug tests before debates.

Trump's criticism extended to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom he described as part of the "radical left." He warned his supporters not to waste their votes on Kennedy, likening him to a distracting fly and calling him a "disaster."

"RFK, Jr. — I call him Junior by the way — he's radical left. Don't think about it. Don't waste your vote," Trump said, emphasizing the need for a conservative leader with common sense.

Trump's speech was also marked by the announcement of a new coalition, "Gun Owners for Trump." This initiative aims to involve gun rights activists and members of the firearms industry in supporting Trump's campaign. The creation of this coalition underscores Trump's commitment to Second Amendment rights and his effort to mobilize gun owners as a significant voting bloc.

The endorsement from the NRA was a pivotal moment in the event. Trump thanked the attendees, calling them "great patriots," and acknowledged their support as crucial for his campaign. The crowd's reaction was overwhelmingly positive, indicating strong support for Trump within the NRA community.

Trump's call to action was clear: gun owners need to vote. He expressed frustration that many gun owners do not turn out to vote, suggesting that their rebellious nature might be the reason. However, he urged them to channel that rebellious spirit into voting this time around.

"But one thing I'll say, and I say it as friends, we've got to get gun owners to vote because you know what? I don't know what it is. Perhaps it's a form of rebellion because you're a rebellious people, aren't you?" Trump remarked, addressing the crowd directly.

He continued, "But gun owners don't vote. What is that all about?" His comments were met with applause and cheers from the audience, who seemed to resonate with his message.

Trump further emphasized the potential impact of their votes, stating, "If gun owners would vote, we would swamp them at levels that nobody's ever seen before." He encouraged the attendees to be rebellious in a new way by turning out to vote in large numbers.

Conclusion: Trump's Influence on NRA Supporters

In summary, former President Donald Trump's appearance at the National Rifle Association's Annual Meeting in Dallas was marked by a series of bold statements and calls to action. He criticized President Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., urged gun owners to vote, and received the NRA's endorsement. Additionally, he announced the formation of a new coalition, "Gun Owners for Trump," aimed at mobilizing gun rights activists and the firearms industry in support of his campaign.

Trump's fiery rhetoric and passionate appeals to the NRA members highlighted his ongoing influence within the organization and his commitment to Second Amendment rights. His call for increased voter turnout among gun owners underscored his strategy to leverage their support to achieve electoral success.

The event showcased Trump's ability to energize and mobilize his base, setting the stage for a contentious and highly engaged campaign season ahead. As the election approaches, the impact of Trump's efforts to rally gun owners and secure their votes will be closely watched by both supporters and opponents alike.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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