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By Mae Slater on
 May 16, 2024

Slovakian Deputy Prime Minister Says Assassination Attempt On Slovakian Prime Minister Was Politically Motivated

Slovakian Deputy Prime Minister Tomáš Taraba announced that Prime Minister Robert Fico is no longer in a life-threatening condition following surgery. He assured that Fico, who was heavily injured by two bullets, is expected to survive. Fico underwent surgery and is expected to recover after being shot twice.

The Guardian reported that Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was rushed to the hospital after sustaining serious injuries from two bullets. The attack, which left him heavily injured, necessitated immediate surgical intervention.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Taraba, Fico's condition is no longer life-threatening after he underwent surgery and is expected to recover after being shot twice.

Taraba confirmed that one bullet injured Fico's stomach while the other hit a joint. “He was heavily injured – one bullet went through the stomach and the second one hit the joint – immediately he was transported to the hospital and then to the operation,” Taraba stated.

Details On The Prime Minister's Injuries

Fico's injuries were severe, but the timely medical response ensured that his life was no longer in immediate danger.

The surgery was deemed successful, and he is currently expected to survive. “Robert Fico is expected to survive after surgery,” Taraba assured.

The medical team acted quickly, performing surgery to repair the damage caused by the bullets. The operation was a success, and Fico is now in stable condition. Although the Prime Minister’s injuries were significant, the prognosis is positive.

Deputy Prime Minister Taraba provided further details on Fico's condition, emphasizing the positive outcome of the surgery. “Fortunately, as far as I know, the operation went well – and I guess in the end, he will survive. He is not in a life-threatening situation at this moment,” Taraba noted.

Despite the severity of the injuries, the medical team’s prompt action played a crucial role in stabilizing Fico’s condition.

The Prime Minister’s survival is now anticipated, bringing a sense of relief to the nation.

As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding the Prime Minister’s condition beyond Taraba’s statements. The lack of an official medical report leaves room for speculation, but the Deputy Prime Minister’s comments have provided some clarity.

The immediate response to the attack and the subsequent surgery indicate a well-coordinated effort to ensure Fico’s survival. The details of the injuries and the surgery’s success have been communicated by Taraba, but an official statement is still awaited.

The attack on Prime Minister Fico has raised concerns about the political climate in Slovakia. While details of the motive remain unclear, the incident has undoubtedly sparked discussions about security and political stability in the country.

Taraba’s description of the attack and the aftermath provides a glimpse into the severity of the situation. The swift medical response highlights the gravity of Fico’s injuries and the urgency with which they were addressed.

The implications of this attack on Slovakia’s political landscape are significant. As the country awaits more information on Fico’s condition and the investigation into the attack, the focus remains on the Prime Minister’s recovery and the potential ramifications for the government.

The details provided by Taraba offer a narrative of resilience and hope amid a challenging time for Slovakia. The successful surgery and the positive prognosis for Fico’s recovery bring some relief to the political tension.


In conclusion, Prime Minister Robert Fico is expected to survive following a critical surgery after being shot twice. Deputy Prime Minister Tomáš Taraba confirmed that Fico is no longer in a life-threatening condition. The attack, which resulted in severe injuries to Fico’s stomach and joint, prompted immediate medical intervention. The successful surgery and Fico’s current stable condition provide hope for his recovery. However, the absence of an official announcement leaves some uncertainty.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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