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 May 20, 2024

Democrat Maryland Senate Candidate Rakes In Corporate Dollars While Campaigning Against Corporate Funding

Democratic Senate nominee Angela Alsobrooks is under fire for reportedly accepting substantial funds from corporate lobbyists, despite her claims of maintaining independence from such interests.

The Daily Caller reported that even though Alsobrooks advocates against corporate influence her campaign has reportedly benefited from over $100,000 in contributions from lobbyists linked to major industries.

Angela Alsobrooks has made her position clear about not being influenced by significant corporate sectors, specifically mentioning Big Oil, Big Pharma, and the Big Gun Lobby in her statements.

In a notable declaration on April 26, she emphasized her autonomy from these powerful groups, saying, "I am not beholden to large corporate interests like Big Oil, Big Pharma, or the Big Gun Lobby." Her campaign messaging consistently highlighted her resistance to such influences, asserting a commitment to confront these formidable entities.

The revelation of receiving lobbyist funds may bring Alsobrooks's credibility into question, especially among her supporters who value her promoted stance against corporate intervention in politics. This funding was disclosed through campaign finance reports, which illustrated contributions spanning multiple influential sectors such as the pharmaceutical, technology, tobacco, and defense industries.

Details of the Contributions

Lobbyist support has been varied and significant. Jeffrey Forbes, a well-known lobbyist whose clients include Novartis and Alexion Pharmaceuticals, donated $3,300 to Alsobrooks's campaign.

Further scrutiny revealed that Forbes also represents interests in other large corporations like Altria and RTX, highlighting the wide scope of corporate ties. Additionally, other lobbyists like Mary Stanton and Mike McKay, who represent large defense and pharmaceutical corporations respectively, have contributed to her campaign war chest.

Contributions were not confined to these industries alone. Representatives from big tech such as Chris Randle and Brian Rice from Meta have collectively donated about $7,000, and Adrian Boafo from Oracle contributed $500.

Even smaller amounts, like the $250 from Larry Camm, a lobbyist for Johnson & Johnson, and Sarah Venuto from America’s Natural Gas Alliance, are part of the extensive list of Alsobrooks’s financial backers.

Angela Alsobrooks is contending against former Governor Larry Hogan, a Republican known for his moderate stances and distancing from Donald Trump. Hogan has been leading in multiple polls, setting a competitive backdrop for the Maryland Senate race.

The revelations about Alsobrooks’s financial backers could provide a significant talking point for her opponents and the media as the election approaches.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has already seized on these revelations.

Spokesman Tate Mitchell criticized Alsobrooks's approach, quipping, “It’s hard to tell what career politicians like Angela Alsobrooks love more: bashing special interests or using their money to bankroll their campaigns. This type of hypocrisy is exactly why voters are fed up with politics as usual in Washington.”

Broad Impact on Election Dynamics

The complex dynamics of campaign funding and public declarations of independence from corporate influence present a challenging scenario for Alsobrooks. As the Democratic nominee, maintaining the delicate balance between securing necessary funds and staying true to her campaign messages is critical.

Alsobrooks's campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comments regarding the contributions. However, the contradictory nature of her funding and public stance might resonate as a significant theme throughout the remaining campaign period, influencing voter sentiment and potentially the outcome of the race.

In summary, Angela Alsobrooks, despite her claims of resistance against corporate influence, has accepted significant campaign funding from various corporate lobbyists. This includes sectors she specifically opposed, raising questions about the consistency of her campaign rhetoric against her funding realities. Given her opponent's traction in the polls, these revelations could play a pivotal role in the upcoming election debates and voters' decision-making processes.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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