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By Mae Slater on
 July 1, 2024

Biden Aides Confirm Biden Is Only Alert During Certain Hours, Quietly Confirm President Is "Sundowning"

President Joe Biden's aides have revealed that he is fully alert primarily between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., causing significant discourse regarding his performance in a recent debate with Donald Trump.

This revelation has ignited worries within the Democratic party, leading to calls for Biden to step down. The Post Millenial noted that this information confirms that Biden is experiencing "sundowner" syndrome which is associated with dementia patients.

The disclosure by Biden's aides highlighted that the President is at his mental peak between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. According to a report by Axios, outside of this time window, he is more susceptible to lapses in concentration and verbal miscues.

This information became particularly relevant following a debate with Trump that occurred at 9 p.m. Eastern time on a recent Thursday.

Concerns Raised During Debate Performance

During the debate, Biden exhibited signs of confusion, stumbled over his words, and at times seemed incoherent.

Observers noted these issues as irregular but were compounded by the late hour, theorized to be outside his optimal alert period. First Lady Jill Biden eventually assisted him off the stage, highlighting the extent of his fatigue.

In stark contrast, Biden's earlier performance in North Carolina showcased a different side. Delivering a speech in front of a supportive crowd and using a teleprompter, he appeared more composed and energetic. This speech occurred during the daytime, well within his peak alert hours.

Following the debate, criticisms from within the Democratic party intensified. Some pundits and prominent figures voiced strong opinions that Biden should consider stepping down, concerned about his capacity to perform in high-pressure situations as exemplified during the debate.

High-profile Democrats, including former President Barack Obama, jumped into action to control the damage.

They urged voters to consider Biden's lifelong contributions and achievements rather than focusing solely on one debate performance. Obama, along with other top-level Democrats, emphasized the broader context of Biden's presidency and long public service record.

Throughout his tenure, Biden has been known for his candid acknowledgments of aging. During one of his speeches, he openly stated, "I don't walk as easy as I used to, I don't speak as smoothly as I used to, I don't debate as well as I used to" but reassured the audience, noting his experience and knowledge in "getting things done."

Representatives close to the President emphasized that he often operates within a structured schedule. According to the Axios report, aides stressed the importance of planning his public appearances during his peak hours of alertness to ensure that verbal mistakes and fatigue are minimized.

Public Reaction and Media Scrutiny

The public reaction has been mixed, with some citizens and political analysts expressing concern over the President's ability to fulfill his responsibilities effectively. Critics argue that the disclosure by his aides might affect public confidence in his leadership. Meanwhile, supporters defend Biden by pointing to his long track record of service and dedication to the country.

The media has taken a keen interest in this revelation, resulting in numerous analyses of Biden's schedule and its impact on his political duties. This scrutiny has extended to the potential implications for upcoming electoral campaigns and the overall image of the administration.

In response, the White House has not issued any detailed comments but reiterated Biden's commitment to his role.

They highlighted ongoing initiatives and policies that continue to be developed and implemented under his administration.

Looking forward, strategists within the Democratic party are likely to reassess how they schedule and prepare Biden for public events, especially high-stake scenarios such as debates. This approach aims to leverage his peak alert hours to ensure the most effective and coherent representation possible.

As the controversy unfolds, it remains to be seen how it will affect Biden's standing within his party and among voters. Both immediate reactions and longer-term implications will play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape leading up to future elections.

Ultimately, this situation has underscored the complexities and challenges faced by aging leaders in high-pressure roles. How these issues are navigated may set precedents for future administrations.


The disclosure by President Joe Biden's aides about his peak hours of alertness has sparked a significant debate within the Democratic party and beyond.

Concerns were heightened following a late-evening debate with Donald Trump, where Biden's performance was notably diminished.

Efforts by top Democrats aim to mitigate the fallout by emphasizing Biden's lifelong contributions despite current challenges. This revelation has wide-ranging implications for public perception, media scrutiny, and future strategic planning within the party.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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